From the Vulnerability to the Victory: A Chrome Renderer 1-Day Exploit’s Journey to v8CTF Glory


In today’s digital era, where the internet has become as essential as the air we breathe, the browsers serve as our windows to the vast expanse of the digital world. On top of web surfing, browsers extend their capabilities from being integrated into embedded systems to supporting desktop apps. Browsers are fascinating targets because they are widely used for user interaction, hence browser exploits are frequently utilized in exploit chains. Inspired by the big success of kernelCTF, Google launched v8CTF to gather exploit techniques in the V8 JavaScript engine by rewarding 0day/1day exploits, thereby encouraging security engineers.

In this talk, we will discuss our exploit, which was the second valid submission in the history of v8CTF. To achieve this, we utilized a 1-day vulnerability identified as CVE-2023-6702. Unlike other vulnerabilities, this one is quite unique. It causes a type confusion between a 4-byte hash value and a V8 heap object. This vulnerability, which may have been infeasible to exploit in the past, has become exploitable due to the recent introduction of pointer compression in V8. To exploit this vulnerability, we applied a variety of techniques and successfully achieved a remote code execution with nearly a 100% success rate.

TyphoonCon 2024